Shame, Cheat Meals and That New Weight Loss Solution
Why dieting is flawed and healing is only the way to manage cravings. Over the last several years, nearly every new diet on the scene has...
Ice Cream, Vodka, Sex and Online Poker
Why do cravings come in so many delicious flavors? Whatever it is you crave, you can usually bet it’s not good for you. Of course, if...
Why You Can't Stop Craving
Because nobody wants you to. Whether its sugar, carbs, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, or even sex, cravings can feel like they will never...

How Often Do Long-Term Sober Alcoholics and Addicts Relapse?
Whenever a celebrity is arrested, overdoses, or dies from drugs or alcohol, there is usually renewed media interest in addiction. Most of...
5 Facts About Food Cravings You Shouldn’t Ignore
Five proven tips will help keep your cravings in check It happens far too often. You read about some celebrity who has a new diet that...
What Really Causes Pregnancy Cravings
Not a week goes by that you don’t hear about another pregnant celebrity and her pregnancy cravings. Whether its pickles, avocados or...